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Meet HFI’s new Executive Director, Mark Mykleby

As a career Marine Corps officer who then entered the business enterprise, Mark Mykleby has always been interested in “large, unstructured, and dynamic situations.” As the new Executive Director of the Human Fusions Institute, he hopes to motivate HFI members to “figure things out.”

While Mykleby may be new to the technology industry, his unique perspective is fresh air. He was drawn to HFI’s approach of placing the human condition and social responsibility at the heart of technology development. In his new role, he will shape the HFI organizational design, foster a networked team, and seek out opportunities for projects and funding. He is excited to see HFI’s vision of becoming a global leader in ‘creating human-connected technologies that amplify human potential for a thriving, just, and integrated world’ come to life.

Mykleby has always been interested in the philosophical advances of technology in society. “We often mindlessly ride the slope of Moore’s Law without really considering what it means to the human condition,” he said. “Being part of the HFI team not only lets me be part of the humanist voice of HFI but also lets me participate in the practical development of technologies that can have meaningful, large-scale impact.”