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Capturing surgical expertise: Zonghe Chua receives NIH Trailblazer grant to develop autonomous coaching system for surgeons. Read full story HERE

Meet HFI’s new postdoc, Rohit Bose.  Read full story HERE

Summer Intern Morgan Creighton wins second place in APT Center Symposium. Read full story HERE

UCLA’s Biomechatronics Lab is looking for R&D Engineers with robotics experience to join our team. Read full story HERE

Two local high school students spending the summer at HFI. Read full story HERE

Meet HFI’s Full-Time Biomedical Engineering Faculty Member, Luke Osborn!  Read full story HERE

Now hiring Lab Manager.  Learn more HERE

Alexis E. Block gives invited talks at ICRA, serves as a judge at conference competition. Read full story HERE

Noah Medrano is a Mandel Fellow. Read full story HERE

Kaleb Kim receives GLEI ThinkEnergy Fellowship. Read full story HERE

Xufei Wang defends PhD Thesis. Read full story HERE

Ishika Kanakath receives SOURCE STEM Scholarship. Read Full Story HERE

Kathryn Daltorio’s Crab Lab tests underwater robot in Veale Center swimming pool. Read Full Story HERE

BS/MS Student Ishika Kanakath receives Robert L. Shurter Prize. Read Full Story HERE

Dustin Tyler’s research group to host three summer interns. Read Full Story HERE

New HFI M.S. Student awarded NASA-Funded Ohio Space Grant Consortium Fellowship. Read Full Story HERE

Meet HFI’s new Executive Director, Mark Mykleby. Read full story HERE

Alexis E. Block gives two presentations at EEE/ACM HRI Conference. Read Full Story HERE

Hossein Lavasani receives NSF CAREER Award. Read Full Story HERE

“Utilization of peripheral nerve feedback at a preconscious level” Nabeel Hasan Chowdhury, Dustin James Tyler 2024

Alexis E. Block chairs Gordon Research Seminar in Robotics. Read Full Story HERE

HFI Faculty Member Pan Li named IEEE Fellow. Read Full Story HERE

Afference, a spin-off from the Human Fusions Institute, and its groundbreaking product, The Phantom, were featured in this article highlighting gadgets from CES 2024. Check out the incredible innovations HERE

Meet HFI’s New Software Engineer, Syed Mohammad Asjad. Read Full Story HERE

Karina Dsouza defends M.S. Thesis. Read Full Story HERE

Researchers Present at Pentagon Demo Day. Read Full Story HERE

iSens System Showcased to President Biden:

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University’s Human Fusions Institute (HFI) recently displayed their work at “American Possibilities: A White House Demo Day” in Washington, D.C. The event was hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Read Full Story HERE

Afference wins CES 2024 Innovation Award Product. Learn more HERE

HFI Members Emily Graczyk and Dustin Tyler featured in The Daily Article: Biomedical engineers at Case Western Reserve University, University of Chicago to restore sense of feeling for breast cancer patients. Read article HERE

Case Western is taking applications for Biomedical Engineering PhD students! To learn more, register for our info session on November 14 from 6:30-7:30 PM. Fee waivers are available to the first nineteen people who sign up and attend the session:

HFI employee Alexis E. Block begins new project “Affect Sensing Modular Wearable to Promote Social-Physical Interactions” Read full story HERE

Human Fusions Institute student Jiaji Su recently had the opportunity to present his hardware demonstration of a  “3+1 Degree-of-Freedom Integrated Kinesthetic and Cutaneous Fingertip Soft Haptic Device for Enhanced Telerobotic Manipulation,” at the inaugural demonstration session of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Detroit. Read full story HERE

HFI collaborator Nick Zingale speaks at Human-Machine Systems Summit. Read full story HERE

HFI student Tom Zhou presents at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Detroit. Full story HERE

HFI student Luis Mesias Flores was selected by the Cleveland FES Center to give one of their First Tuesday seminars.

September 11th, 2023: Learn More about Simone Quartell HFI’s new Department Assistant

August 23rd, 2023: We are excited to introduce Alexis E. Block, the FIRST full-time hire for the Human Fusions Institute (HFI) at Case Western Reserve University! Alexis joins us as an Assistant Professor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE)

August 11th, 2023: Case Alumni Association article: Engineering New Wonders

July 16th, 2023: CWRU on 60 Minutes—worth watching twice

March 25th, 20223: 60 Minutes: Feel again: Advancements in prosthetics limb technology allow feeling, control

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